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  1. Refilwe
    June 11, 2014 @ 4:36 pm

    Hi Sis Morongwa

    Informative article with all the stats of our reality in this economic era of our country. I must say I also have been doing a research of my own over the past few months in this industry sector, and got to realize that something must be done sooner. I would say our economy depends largely on SMME’s to remain at its functional state. With me having the interest to render my skills in Organizational and Operational Effectiveness, as I have realized the sector is struggling most in this functions, I questioned myself if that can be be done to the optimal level best. I have got to realize that policy makers for regulations and compliance make it difficult for SMME’s to start and remain in operation. My opinion for now is Governement needs to go back and review and amend all the policies and acts that have been put in place to govern the SMME’s, to make it easier for them to start and operate businesses. And from there I believe all other things will be able to fall into place.

    • Morongwa Makakane
      June 11, 2014 @ 4:59 pm

      HI Refilwe

      Thank you so much for your comments. Most definitely, Government is one of the biggest hindrance to SMME success in this country. Tomorrow I will be writing about the challenges faced by SMME’s and Entrepreneurs in South Africa.

    • Morongwa Makakane
      June 12, 2014 @ 5:27 pm

      Hi Refilwe. That is true, however, if we dependent on government for everything, we will never get anywhere. We need to take personal responsibility, and act.

  2. Lungile
    October 13, 2014 @ 3:48 pm

    Hello Morongwa,

    I agree with you a lot when speaking on the fact that SMMEs play a great role in the sustaining of the economy, and such entrepreneurs should be treated with care. further to that I submit that in as much as we have these SMMEs established we need to put in place structures or programmes that will see to the sustainability of these businesses. as the NYDA we have a programme we call the Mentorship programmes and the intention of this programme is to ensure sustainability and professionalism by skilling and adequately empowering the young entrepreneurs. we are making a call to all experiences entrepreneurs and or professionals to come on board and participate in this voluntary programme for the benefit of the SSMEs

    • Morongwa Makakane
      October 22, 2014 @ 2:09 pm

      Hi Lungile

      Thank you so much for your input. I totally agree with you that we need to support the SMMEs. Their survival, and the survival of the economy of South Africa, highly depends on it.

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