Personal Change: #3 Dare to change
We certainly want improvement and progress in our social and personal life. We are naturally programmed to be eager to increase our understanding of the world and develop our capabilities. But, personally I think, we are not designed to accept the change necessary for these improvements and developments. Keeping the status quo and resistance to change are natural forces inside us that give us the cherished perception of stability and security. Every effort to make an improvement in our life triggers the natural force of resistance to change because every change consciously or unconsciously is perceived as a threat to us. We cannot remove the resistance to change but instead the correct approach is to expect resistance to change and plan for dealing with it from the beginning of our change process. In many cases in our life, knowing the need to change and recognizing the importance of change is not the problem but resistance to change is the real problem we should fight. Although we are not designed to change our behavior easily, we can learn how to not resist necessary changes. Dare to change is a critical skill that everyone should unquestionably learn, especially in this era that technologies, values of people, lifestyles, jobs and … are rapidly changing and we should change accordingly. Dare to change and overcoming the resistance to change also help us to get rid of our bad habits and acquire constructive ones.
In a nutshell, I’m trying to say accept that the resistance to change exist and be ready to deal with it. We would become scared, depressed, confused and tired during the personal change process. As well as internal sources, sources of resistance can be external; not always family and friends admit our new way of life. Be ready for these difficulties and always dare to change yourself and the world.