Breakthrough to Your Destiny: How to achieve the success want, when you want, in the way you want. It all starts with YOU!
‘I have learnt that successful people have the following attributes, which we must all work towards: they know where they are going, that is, they have a vision, they know what their life purpose is, they have their goals defined, they hold themselves accountable; they are focussed, determined, dedicated committed, disciplined, tenacious, resilient, courageous, and they work hard, very hard. Because they know that they are responsible for their destiny, and their success is their responsibility’. Morongwa Makakane
Morongwa’s second book, aimed at each and every individual who is alive today, and will inspire you to realise that it doesn’t matter that you have failed, it doesn’t matter what circumstances you find yourself in right now, you can achieve the success that you want, when you want, in the way you want.
I believe that everyone of us has the potential to be successful. Everyone of us has the ability to achieve our dreams, and be successful at what we want. A lot of people though, do not really have dreams, or they have given up on their dreams. They have failed, they are facing challenges and setbacks, and they have given up. In this book, I share with you the lessons I learnt from my failure that failure must not define who you are right now and who you can be in your future. I share with you my life’s lessons about how I learnt that my destiny is my responsibility alone, and that I, or you, must use your failure, or the current challenges and setbacks you are experiencing in your life right now, to define where you going and who you are, what you need to do so that you can achieve the success that you want. When you want. In the way you want. It’s your journey, it’s your destiny, it’s your success. It all starts with you.
Products on Offer
- Book: Breakthrough to your Destiny. How to achieve the Breakthrough to Your Destiny: How to achieve the success want, when you want, in the way you want It all starts with YOU!
- Available as a Paper back, E-book and kindle and Audio/CD format.
Your Destiny to Your Success Toolkit: (Complete set of templates)
- Is your dream the right dream? Questionnaire/Quick Survey
- Personal Vision Creator
- Do you know your life purpose Questionnaire/Quick Survey
- Personal Mission Creator
- Goal Setting Template
- Target Setting Template
- Success Achievement Plan Template
To order the paperback book, click here |
To order the kindle version, click here |
To order the E-book, click here |
To order the audio/CD of the book, click here |
To order Your Destiny to Your Success Toolkit, click here |
To order only one template of the toolkit, select from dropdown menu |
To order the CD of the Business Start-Up and Management Toolki– toolkit, click here
(these templates are available as stand alones, but only as a downloadable option from the website |
Inspirational Items on offer
Something to Inspire you when you are feeling down (at work, at home, on the road)
- ‘I am, I can, I will’ Coffee Mug
- ‘I am, I can, I will’ Keyring/Holder
- ‘I am, I can, I will’ Fridge Magnet